Code of Conduct
Any single male, husband or boyfriend who violates these guidelines, particularly making any UNINVITED sexual advances, (ex., touching, caressing, kissing, exposing yourself, etc.) to any woman at The Private Affairs events will be asked to leave the event immediately and membership may be revoked.
Don't ignore the husband, no matter how much his wife or girlfriend likes you, because if the husband doesn't like you, you're not getting anywhere with her. This doesn't mean you need to spend all night talking with him, but introduce yourself, be cordial and play it by ear.
If someone tells you "NO", that's all there is to it. It's not open for discussion! Don't ask them, "why not?', or "are you sure, I'm the greatest lover in the world?" They are not interested in you joining them no matter what your line is.
All in all, it's real simple; be a gentleman, be friendly, and treat people well. Everyone will have a much better evening if the ladies have a good time, and if they do then you have a chance of being included in the fun with them.
A true gentleman and a classy guy in the swinging lifestyle is non-threatening to the male spouse's virility. He's happy to be sharing in the encounter and doesn't try to monopolize it. He knows his place in and out of the bedroom. He is also a friend to both spouses. Should be slightly closer to the male, don't want to be perceived as cutting into his role.
In A Nutshell ….Be a Classy Guy!
General Info for single or married men coming in alone. Probably upwards of 95% of males without a partner looking to hook up with swingers are doomed to failure! If you are single and do get invited by a couple, consider yourself among the lucky ones.
Forget about it …not going to happen and if it does it won't last for long. Swinging isn't for you, but of course you know better right? OK, let me explain it to you. Swinging is a free and open lifestyle based on honesty and guilt-free relationships. Sneaking away while the wife is at work for some "discreet sex' is the complete opposite of what swinging is about. Doing this will catch up and it exposes the Lifestyle to unsavory light.
There is no reason to lie about anything, even if you are married some couples still play with married men, we are all adults here and free to choose.
Good Manners and social skills are more important here than anywhere else.
Dress to impress…Because isn't that what you do on a date….Well then you are on a Date here as well! You're looking to be intimate, so take the extra time and care in your daily hygiene routine this means.
Sorry if this seems like common sense, but to some it is not. Never assume that because you dance or talk to someone that they want to have sex with you. Don't get too aggressive on the dance floor, at the bar area, etc. unless you get a clear message that it's OK. If you get that message, then go with it, just don't go overboard. You should even ask her, "Is this Okay?"
Always introduce yourself to both parties, never wait till he leaves to go get a drink then sneak in, or wait to ambush her at the ladies room. This is a very, very bad tactic and could get you into a confrontation with the male half.
If you want a 100% sure thing then go to a whorehouse or call an escort. This is a social club and the ladies are upscale wives and girlfriends and above all, they are LADIES, not escorts. Treat them like ladies!